Champagne De Lozey : Commitments and Certifications
Given the collapse of biodiversity, we believe that winemakers have a duty: to protect the environment around them on a daily basis. Let's not forget that nature provides us with grapes, an essential raw material for every vintage. It seems essential to preserve it as much as possible. It is in this context that Champagne De Lozey, based on the actions taken in favor of biodiversity, was rewarded last spring with two environmental certifications: High Environmental Value (HVE) and Sustainable Viticulture in Champagne.

What does this mean in practice?
Let's start with HVE, the highest environmental certification for agricultural operations. Based on specific performance indicators, this certification attests that our operation strives to preserve biodiversity: hedges, trees, flowers, insects.
At a time when we are all increasingly aware of the importance of preserving our natural heritage, obtaining HVE is very good news for Champagne De Lozey. It confirms all the daily work done to produce exceptional vintages and champagnes while minimizing our environmental impact.
Rewarding Daily Commitment
In parallel, we have obtained the Sustainable Viticulture in Champagne certification. The purpose of this official recognition is to affirm the commitment of Champagne winemakers who are working to reduce their carbon footprint, impact on biodiversity, and impact on water. As an indicator, this certification is equivalent in terms of requirements to a High Environmental Value (HVE) level 2, with a long list of criteria to meet and an obligation to implement means.
So, you have understood: Maison De Lozey advocates sustainable viticulture. Because, let's remember, achieving high-quality champagne is, above all, about preserving nature where grapes grow until they reach the desired maturity.